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Even though Montenegro is about the same size of Puerto Rico, it has two climate types. The lower coast of Montenegro experiences a Medditeranian climate type, while the north has a Continental climate type.

Because Montenegro is located on the Balkan penninsula, it is a bit cool but temperatures on the coast range from 76 to 80 degrees Farenheight in July, making it a beautiful traveling destination.

Montenegro is mostly a mountainous region, which makes for great hiking, skiing and mountaineering.

What to Pack

If you are planning to vacation to montenegro, you wull need to know what to pack. Here are seasonal items that are mandatory to have an amazing time.

~Long pants
~Warm Shoes
~Long sleeve shirts
~More layers!
~Winter Jacket
~Long pants
~Snow boots
~Long sleeve shirts
~Long sleeve & sleeve shirts
~Light sweater
~Warmer shoes
~Long pants
~Short sleeves
~Shorts/ 1 or 2 pairs of long pants
~Sandals/lighter shoes
~ Swimsuits.

Traveling Tip:

Make sure to check the weather before packing any items that you may need. Make sure to check in the right unit of measure, so celsius.

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